Announcement Corrections Overview


Introduction to Announcement Corrections

This section is used to correct those announcements that were previously disseminated but found to be incorrect.


The "Announcement Correction screen" is used to select an incorrect announcement and replace it with a corrected announcement. A list of incorrect SENS Announcements will be displayed. These are announcements that were successfully disseminated to the market but were identified as having incorrect information. Only announcements submitted by the submitter company in the past year can be viewed on this screen.


Only one announcement can be selected at a time.


All announcements will be displayed in descending order, that is, from latest to earliest. The last announcement disseminated will be displayed first.


Processes to complete


The following processes need to be followed:

    1. Access the Announcement Correction screen

    2. Create a new announcement to replace the incorrect announcement



Replacement Announcements and Cancellation Announcements

The 'replacement announcement' will immediately follow a 'cancellation announcement'. The 'cancellation announcements' consists of all the information that was in the original disseminated announcement. 'Cancellation announcements' gets created when the submitter submits the 'replacement announcement' for JSE processing. The 'cancellation announcement' is disseminated in the background. The 'cancellation announcement's' Release Date and Time is set to 5 seconds earlier than the 'replacement announcement's' Release Date and Time. If the 'replacement announcement's' Release Date and Time gets changed then the 'cancellation announcement's' Release Date and Time is changed accordingly (5 seconds earlier).

A 'replacement announcement cannot follow another announcement.

If the 'replacement announcement is "Terminated" then the system will terminate the 'cancellation announcement' as well.


The 'replacement announcement' requires the same screens/tabs to be completed before the submitter can successfully submit the announcement to the JSE for processing.

Announcement : S300120, Release Date 2011/05/01 15:00:00 (Disseminated)

Do announcement correction (Replacement Announcement): S100150, Release Date 2011/05/05 13:10:50

Cancellation announcement : S100180, Release Date 2011/05/05 13:10:40 (created by IRS). S100180 will be send before S100150. Announcement S100180 is created as soon as S100150 is submitted for JSE processing.

Announcement S100150 will follow the normal approval process.



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