Access the New Announcement screen




External Users - Option 1:
  1. Before commencing with this procedure ensure that you have created a SENS SUBMISSION TOKEN. Refer to the section "Create New Tokens".

  2. Click the USE TOKEN button. The "New Announcement screen" will be displayed and the SENS SUBMISSION TOKEN will automatically be populated in the Issuer Role Token field with the token you just created.

External Users - Option 2:
  1. Before commencing with this procedure ensure that you have created a SENS SUBMISSION TOKEN. Refer to the section "Create New Tokens".

  2. Write down the Token Number.

  3. Select the Submissions option from the Main Menu.

  4. Select the SENS option. Note: The "New Announcement screen" will be displayed.


IMPORTANT: Depending on the "Issuer Role", all fields - except the Issuer Role Token field - will be disabled. For certain "Issuer Roles" all fields will be active and you will need to select data from each one. Refer to the section "New Announcement fields".


Refer to the section "New Announcement procedure" to continue with this process.


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