Issuer Role Registration fields

Refer to the section "Issuer Role Registration Overview" for a detailed explanation of the registration process.





Company Name field

Issuer Roles

This is a display-only field. This field will display the name of the company. This information is obtained from CRM. This information cannot be edited.

Sponsors / Designated Advisors / SENS Submitters / Regulatory Bodies / JSE Internal Users

Enter the name of the company that is requesting a new issuer role.

Registration Number field

Issuer Roles

This is a display-only field. This field will display the company's registration number. This information is obtained from CRM. This information cannot be edited.

Sponsors / Designated Advisors / SENS Submitters / Regulatory Bodies / JSE Internal Users

Enter the registration number of the company.

Description of Event field

Enter the description of events in this field.

For example: Issuer Role Registration, Warrant Issuer Registration, etc.

Exchange field

Issuer Roles

This is a display-only field. This field will display the Exchange to which this company belongs. This information is obtained from CRM. This information cannot be edited.

Sponsors / Designated Advisors / SENS Submitters / Regulatory Bodies / JSE Internal Users

Indicate the exchange to which the company belongs. Click the <down-arrow> to the right of this field and select the appropriate option.

This can be the JSE or the NSX.

Contact person Title field

Click the <down-arrow> to the right of this field and select the contact person's Title.

Example: Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.

Contact person First Name field

Enter the contact person's First Name in this field.

Contact person Last Name field

Enter the contact person's Last Name/Surname in this field.

Contact Person Telephone field

Enter the contact person's telephone number in this field.

Contact Person Cell Phone field

Enter the contact person's cellular telephone number in this field.

Contact Person Email Address field

Enter the contact person's email address in this field.

Financial Year-end field

Issuer Roles

This is a display-only field. This field will display the month of the company's financial year-end. This information is obtained from CRM. This information cannot be edited.

Sponsors / Designated Advisors / SENS Submitters / Regulatory Bodies / JSE Internal Users

Click the <down-arrow> to the right of this field and select the financial year-end month from this field.

Role field

Click the <down-arrow> to the right of this field and select the company role from this field.



  • Refer to the section "External Users versus Internal Users" for detailed information regarding each Role.

  • Refer to the section "Roles" for an explanation of the different activities that can be performed by each Company Role.  


IMPORTANT: If you have permission to select an option from this field then ensure that you select the correct Company Role, since one company can have more than one role.


Auditors field

Issuer Roles

This is a display-only field. This field will display the company's auditors. This information is obtained from CRM. This information cannot be edited.

Sponsors / Designated Advisors / SENS Submitters / Regulatory Bodies / JSE Internal Users

Enter the name of the company's auditors.

VAT Registration Number field

Issuer Roles

This is a display-only field. This field will display the company's VAT Registration number. This information is obtained from CRM. This information cannot be edited.

Sponsors / Designated Advisors / SENS Submitters / Regulatory Bodies / JSE Internal Users

Enter the company's VAT Registration number.

Transfer Secretaries field

Issuer Roles

This is a display-only field. This field will display the transfer secretaries that the company uses. This information is obtained from CRM. This information cannot be edited.

Sponsors / Designated Advisors / SENS Submitters / Regulatory Bodies / JSE Internal Users

Enter the names of the transfer secretaries in this field.

Physical Address – Street field

Enter the physical street address in this field.

Physical Address – City field

Enter the physical city in this field.

Physical Address – Postal Code field

Enter the physical postal code in this field.

Postal Address – Box field

Enter the postal box address in this field.

Postal Address – City field

Enter the postal city in this field.

Postal Address – Postal Code field

Enter the postal code in this field.

Billing Address – Box/Street field

Enter the postal box or street address in this field.

Billing Address – City field

Enter the postal city in this field.

Billing Address – Postal Code field

Enter the postal code in this field.

Sponsor/DA Name field

Enter the sponsor's or Designated Advisor's name in this field.

This field is only applicable if the 'Issuer Role Registration Application' is being submitted by a Sponsor or Designated Advisor. This information is utilised by the JSE Internal User to identify who submitted the 'Issuer Role Registration Application'.

Note: If a sponsor requests an additional role, this means that they are listing, and as such they will require an independent sponsor.


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