AD Web Portal

The AD Web Portal is used to manage corporate identities, credentials, information protection, system and application settings through various technologies. Simply put, the AD WebPortal is a database that keeps track of all user accounts and passwords. It allows an organisation to store user accounts and passwords in one protected location, thus improving the security of the application.

CA Consultant

Corporate Actions Consultant

CA Manager

Corporate Actions Manager


Corporate Finance


Corporate Finance Officer

CO Manager

Continuing Obligations Manager


The Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) system is a JSE application. It contains  all customer information.


Designated Advisor

Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is the main repository of an organisation’s historical data. It contains the raw material for management’s decision support system. The critical factor leading to the use of a data warehouse is that a data analyst can perform complex queries and analysis, such as data mining.

Debt Sponsor

An Entity approved in terms of section 2 of the Debt Listings Requirements advising Debt Issuers and Interest Rate Issuers on the application of the Debt Listings Requirements.

Designated Advisor

Entity approved in terms of Section2 of the JSE Listings Requirements advising issuers on the application of the JSE Listings Requirements.


The submission is made available to the public.

EFT Issuer

Issuer of Electronic Trading funds.


Enterprise Projects Office

Equity Issuer

An Equity Issuer is a company with ordinary shares or preference shares listed on the JSE.


An entitiy providing a market where instruments can trade.

Extensible Hypertext Markup Language

Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is a reformulation of HTML using XML syntax. In addition, XHTML modularization allows for the extension of XHTML's layout and presentation capabilities, using the extensibility of XML.

Extensible Markup Language

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the universal format for data on the Web that uses tags to give context and structure to content. XML does not replace HTML. Rather, XML is a complimentary format that is platform independent, allowing XML data to be rendered on any device, such as a computer, cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA) or tablet device.  XML allows developers to easily describe and deliver rich, structured data from any application in a standard, consistent way. Whereas HTML offers a fixed and predefined number of tags, XML neither defines nor limits tags. Instead, XML provides a framework for defining tags and the relationship between them.

Generic Role

An entity that does not fit any of the other roles.


General Manager Corporate Finance

Hypertext Markup Language

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a system of marking up a document so it can be published on the World Wide Web. Documents prepared in HTML contain reference graphics and formatting tags. Put another way, HTML is a series of predefined tags that primarily focus on describing how content appears on the Web. For example, HTML describes the font, font size, and colour of the text in this paragraph should be when viewed by a Web browser. HTML offers content but no real context.


Information Dissemination System


An instrument is a tradable asset of any kind. It is a classification of a security, for example, bonds, equities and warrants.  A financial instrument can be categorised depending on whether they are cash instruments or derivative instruments. (1) Cash instruments are financial instruments whose value is determined directly by markets. They can be divided into securities, which are readily transferable, and other cash instruments such as loans and deposits, where both borrower and lender have to agree on a transfer.  (2) Derivative instruments are financial instruments which derive their value from the value and characteristics of one or more underlying entities such as an asset, index, or interest rate. They can be divided into exchange-traded derivatives and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.  Alternatively, financial instruments can be categorized by \"asset class\" depending on whether they are equity based (reflecting ownership of the issuing entity) or debt based (reflecting a loan the investor has made to the issuing entity).

Interest Rate Issuer

Issuer of debt instruments listed on the Interest Rate market.


Issuer Regulation System


(International Securities Identification Number). All internationally traded securities issuers are urged to use the ISIN numbering scheme, which is now the accepted standard by virtually all countries. An International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) uniquely identifies a security. The ISIN code is generally a 12-character alpha-numerical code. An ISIN consists of three parts: a two letter country code, a nine character alpha-numeric national security identifier, and a single check digit.  The ISIN does not contain information characterizing financial instruments but serves for uniform identification of a security at trading and settlement.    An ISIN cannot be issued to two different securities.  Example: Daimler AG stock trades through almost 30 trading platforms and exchanges worldwide, and is priced in five different currencies. It has the same ISIN on each, though not the same ticker symbol.  The United States and Canada primarily use a similar scheme known as a CUSIP number. (Copyright © and


Issuers are companies with roles including Warrant Issuer, Equity Issuer, Debt Issuer and ETF Issuer.

Issuer Services Customers

All External Users and parties subscribing to Corporate Finance, SENS and Continuing Obligations services within the JSE Issuer Services Department.


Johannesburg Stock Exchange


Listing Information Database


London Interface Feed Handler

Markup Language

A markup language is a set of annotations to text that describe how something is to be structured, laid out, or formatted. Electronic document markup languages are embedded markup codes used to construct structured documents, used in computer typesetting, word processors, web-document editors and web browsers.


News Mark-Up Lanugage (Industry standard for portable news data). NewsML is the structure used to publish news in any format. It is widely used by news providers to combine their pictures, video, text, graphics and audio files in news output available on web sites, mobile phones, high-end desktops, interactive television and any other device. It can be used to distribute XBRL as well as standard XML and XHTML as content payload.


Namibian Stock Exchange


Overnight Committee


Portable Document Format. PDF is one of the most commonly used formats for electronic documents. PDF is a digital form used to represent electronic documents, allowing users to exchange and view the documents easily and reliably, independent of the environments in which they are created, viewed and printed, while preserving their content and visual appearance.


A placeholder is reserved code that is used in order to include data from the database.

Primary Listed

Primary listed companies are those companies that first listed on an Exchange. A company can be Primary Listed, Secondary Listed or Dual Listed. For example, Anglo first listed on the NSX Exchange. Thereafter it listed on the JSE Exchange. As such, its primary listing is on the NSX and its secondary listing is on the JSE. Dual Listed companies have listed on different Exchanges but at the same time. A primary listed issuer is an issuer who complies fully with the JSE Listings Requirements.  If an Issuer has more than one listing and the JSE’ s is secondary it means that the JSE accepts the primary listing’s requirements and therefore the issuer will not have to comply with all the JSE Listings Requirements.


The Reference Data System (RDS) is a JSE application. This is the master list of  all static information within the JSE. Downstream systems receive updates from RDS  for all master data and static data. RDS tracks changes to reference data including  Broker roles. RDS tracks information about different entities and their relationships  to the JSE. RDS also tracks trading or business calendars separately for each Exchange  associated with, or cleared through, the JSE. Updates and additions to RDS results  in the creation of messages that are sent to downstream systems.

Regulatory Body

The Regulatory role is for entities that will submit announcements in the regulatory capacity, for example, competition commission.


RSS (most commonly translated as \"Really Simple Syndication\" but sometimes \"Rich Site Summary\") is a family of XML-based web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.[2] An RSS document (which is called a \"feed\", \"web feed\", or \"channel\") includes full or summarized text, plus metadata such as publishing dates and authorship. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favoured websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. RSS feeds can be read using software called an \"RSS reader\", \"feed reader\", or \"aggregator\", which can be web-based, desktop-based, or mobile-device-based. A standardized XML file format allows the information to be published once and viewed by many different programs.


Securities Exchange News Service

SENS Submissions

Electronic submissions of announcements with SENS content.

SENS Submitter

An entity that will submit SENS announcements that does not have any of the other roles.


Service Level Agreement


An Entity approved in terms of Section 2 of the JSE Listings Requirements advising issuers on the application of the JSE Listings Requirements.


Uniform Resource Locator, server and path information used in an HTML-coded source file to locate another document.

Warrant Issuer

An issuer of warrants on the JSE.