Using the Online Help System (HTML file)

The following topics are discussed in this section: Hide



This Help System is designed to open in your default Web browser. Since this Help System is called from a server, the speed at which it opens is dependant on your Internet connection speed.

Navigation buttons

The Online Help includes the following buttons: Contents, Index, Search, and Glossary buttons on the toolbar.

Contents button

The Contents option displays the table of contents - books and pages that represent the categories of information in the online Help system. When you click a closed book, it opens to display its content (sub-books and pages). When you click an open book, it closes. When you click pages, you select topics to view in the right-hand pane.



Index button

The Index option displays a multi-level list of keywords and keyword phrases. These terms are associated with topics in the Help system and they are intended to direct you to specific topics according to your way of working. To open a topic in the right-hand pane associated with a keyword, click the keyword. If the keyword is used with more than one topic, a dialog opens so you can select a specific topic to view, then click Display.  




Search button

When you type a question in this Help system's Search option, related topics are displayed that you can link to (this feature is called natural language search). You can type a question or simply type key words.




Glossary button

The Glossary option displays a glossary similar to one you'd find in a printed publication. It provides a list of words, short phrases, and their definitions related to the KCD application. When you select a term from the top pane ("Term"), its corresponding definition is displayed in the lower pane ("Definition").





You can also view Glossary Terms within a Topic. Refer to the section "View a Glossary Term within a Topic".


Adjust the window and pane size

You can adjust the width and height of the Help window by dragging the edges of the window in or out.

You can adjust the width of the left pane by dragging the edges of the left pane until the mouse pointer turns into a line with arrows on each end:   help_arrows.jpg .

With the left mouse button, drag the pane to the right or left.


Navigate topics using hyperlinks

Inside each topic you will find different ways of navigating, as well as viewing text.


Text that is blue and underlined, or green and italicised, is a hyperlink that:


Note: Once a hyperlink (that is blue) has been clicked, it will appear as "purple" text.


Hyperlinks that jump to new topics

Text that is blue and underlined will open a topic in a new window.




Click the <BACK> button on the Internet Explorer window to return to the previous topic.



Hyperlinks that display drop-down help topics

Text that is green and italicised will display a drop-down window over the main window, which displays a brief text description.

To remove this drop-down window, simply click the 'green and italicised' text again.




Hyperlinks that display pop-up help topics

Clicking this type of hyperlink will display a pop-up help window. To remove this window from the screen, simply click anywhere else on the screen and the pop-up window will close.



Hyperlinks that jump to topics in the same help window

In certain instances, clicking on a hyperlink will jump to a heading in the same Help Window.




View a Glossary Term within a Topic

Glossary Terms that are embedded within a topic are displayed as Purple, Bold, Italicised text. To expand the Glossary Term, in order to read the description, simply click it. The Glossary Term will have a light purple background. To collapse the Glossary Term, click it again.



Return to a previous topic

To return to a previous topic, simply click the <BACK> button on the Internet Explorer toolbar.




Hide the Table of Contents (Left Pane)

To provide a larger viewing area of the open topic, you can hide the left pane. Click the CLOSE (X) button on the Toolbar.


Note : To show the right pane again, click the CONTENTS , INDEX , SEARCH , or GLOSSARY button, depending on which pane you want to see.





Show the Table of Contents (Left Pane)

To display the Table of Contents - if you previously "closed" it - click the CONTENTS button on the Toolbar.




View or Hide a Topic's Table of Contents

Click the HIDE hyperlink to collapse the current topic's Table of Contents.




Click the SHOW hyperlink to expand the current topic's Table of Contents.



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