Announcement Correction fields

Refer to the section "Announcement Corrections Overview" for additional information regarding announcements.




Show Announcements since last field

This field is used to indicate which announcements you want to view. Click the <down-arrow> to the right of this field and select one of the time-frames displayed. You can select to view announcements that were disseminated within the last week up until 2 years previous.

Reference Number field

This field displays the Reference Number of the submission/announcement that was disseminated to the public.

Click the hyperlink to view details of this submission/announcement. The details will be 'read-only' and as such no changes can be made.

Issuer field

This field displays the name of the Issuer.

Submitter Company field

This field displays the name of the Submitter Company that submitted the submission/announcement.

Disseminated field

This field displays the date and time that the announcement was disseminated to the public.

Flash Headline field

This field displays the 'Flash Headline' of the announcement.


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